Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Showa Sansoku

Showa Koi type or often referred to as a Sanshoku Showa Koi fish that has its own challenges for the Koi hobbyist. Colors on Showa tend to frequent changes along with the growth of Koi fish. This makes the hobbyist should have foresight in choosing, predicting the future of koi and how to maintain it. Showa Koi Sansoku the three colors red, white and black as well as Sanke. It's just a different percentage of color alone. Showa. Black color percentage in more than Showa Sanke.

In the classification of Showa Koi fish in the family Sanke (Kohaku, Sanke and Showa) which biasanyan a cross between Kohaku Koi with Shiro Utsuri. Showa Classic has a percentage of 40% red color, 40% black and 20% white color. Modern Showa has a percentage of the Red, Black and White alike. To get the maximum results Showa Koi hobbyist recommend maintenance Showa Koi on Hard Water. Hard water will improve the quality of Sumi / black on Showa.

Based on the opinion of Dr. Arthur Lembke there are several criteria that can be applied in selecting the type of Showa Koi. The following points of these tips:
  • Have All the good Kohaku pattern. Showa Koi contains colors such as red and white Kohaku koi, note this pattern, both of Quality Hi (red) maupu white.
  • Head Consisting of 3 colors of Red, White and Black in the same amount.
  • Color Patterns in the head is best Kohaku pattern and a black V-shaped strip On.
  • Color Pattern Black On Showa will continue to grow, select which had warrants meraqh and white good.
  • Color Red No Showa could initially colored Orange and will develop into red as they grow.
  • Pectoral Fin Ideally almost all black except for the outer portion.
  • Should Not red fins, All fins are white or slightly black.
  • Percentage of color on Showa Classic is 40% red, 40% and 20% Putih.Modern Itam Showa has a percentage of the Red, Black and White alike.
  • Showa Koi hardest is selected when young because it is always changing as it grows.

Happy Choosing Showa.