Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Showa Sansoku

Showa Koi type or often referred to as a Sanshoku Showa Koi fish that has its own challenges for the Koi hobbyist. Colors on Showa tend to frequent changes along with the growth of Koi fish. This makes the hobbyist should have foresight in choosing, predicting the future of koi and how to maintain it. Showa Koi Sansoku the three colors red, white and black as well as Sanke. It's just a different percentage of color alone. Showa. Black color percentage in more than Showa Sanke.

In the classification of Showa Koi fish in the family Sanke (Kohaku, Sanke and Showa) which biasanyan a cross between Kohaku Koi with Shiro Utsuri. Showa Classic has a percentage of 40% red color, 40% black and 20% white color. Modern Showa has a percentage of the Red, Black and White alike. To get the maximum results Showa Koi hobbyist recommend maintenance Showa Koi on Hard Water. Hard water will improve the quality of Sumi / black on Showa.

Based on the opinion of Dr. Arthur Lembke there are several criteria that can be applied in selecting the type of Showa Koi. The following points of these tips:
  • Have All the good Kohaku pattern. Showa Koi contains colors such as red and white Kohaku koi, note this pattern, both of Quality Hi (red) maupu white.
  • Head Consisting of 3 colors of Red, White and Black in the same amount.
  • Color Patterns in the head is best Kohaku pattern and a black V-shaped strip On.
  • Color Pattern Black On Showa will continue to grow, select which had warrants meraqh and white good.
  • Color Red No Showa could initially colored Orange and will develop into red as they grow.
  • Pectoral Fin Ideally almost all black except for the outer portion.
  • Should Not red fins, All fins are white or slightly black.
  • Percentage of color on Showa Classic is 40% red, 40% and 20% Putih.Modern Itam Showa has a percentage of the Red, Black and White alike.
  • Showa Koi hardest is selected when young because it is always changing as it grows.

Happy Choosing Showa.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hikari Moyo

Hikari Moyo is a group of metallic koi with color patterns on their bodies. Major varieties of Hikari Moyo include Sakura Ogon, Kikusui, Yamato Nishiki, Kujyaku, Lemon Hariwake and more. In Japanese, hikari means metallic and moyo means pattern.
Among the metallic koi, there are three groups: Hikari Muji, Hikari Moyo and Hikari Utsuri. Hikari Muji is easy to identify because they are metallic koi with no pattern. Hikari Moyo and Hikari Utsuri, on the other hand, are both patterned metallic koi. Some people may be confused withthe difference, and the easiest way to differentiate the two is that metallic versions of Showa, Shiro Utsuri and Hi Utsuri are all Hikari Utsuri. The rest are Hikari Moyo, such as the metallicversions of Kohaku and Sanke.
When appreciating the Hikari Moyo group, there are two characteristics that one must pay attention to: the sheen and the excellence of the base variety.
When you look at the names of koi varieties, what comes first is always more important than the following word. Let’s take Ginrin Kohaku, for example. Ginrin Kohaku are red and white koi(Kohaku) with diamond scales (Ginrin). When you have an excellent Kohaku pattern koi with poorGinrin and a koi with poor Kohaku-patterned koi but excellent Ginrin, a poor-patterned Kohaku wi th superior Ginrin will win. That is because the Ginrin feature is more important than the Kohaku feature. This is why we call the koi Ginrin Kohaku, not Kohaku Ginrin.
The same principle applies here, too. Remember that Hikari Moyo is a koi with two features: hikari (metallic) and moyo (pattern). The importance of the metallic feature outweighs the pattern of the base variety. Therefore, the degree of the sheen is the most important key factor in the appreciation of Hikari Utsuri.
Knowing this, how can we tell the quality of the sheen? The face and the pectoral fins are the places to look at. These two areas show the innate sheen quality of the koi the most. Please look for a clean and shiny face and pectoral fins.
Again, Hikari Moyo are the metallic version of other varieties such as Kohaku, Sanke and Goshiki, so it is important that you understand the appreciation of these base varieties. For example, Kohaku is a two-colored koi … therefore the balance of the two colors is important, especially the face and odome. As for Sanke, it would be ideal to have a Kohaku pattern and a few lacquer Sumi spots that support the Kohaku pattern.
The names of the varieties in Hikari Moyo may be a little confusing, especially when you think of the Doitsu version of them. Allow me to list some of the major varieties’ names and their definitions:
  • Sakura Ogon: Metallic-scaled Kohaku
  • Yamato Nishiki: Metallic-scaled Sanke. This variety is very hard to find nowadays. Only Marusaka Koi Farm provides quality Yamato Nishiki.
  • Kujaku: Metallic-scaled Goshiki
  • Kikusui: Metallic Doitsu Kohaku
  • Heisei Nishiki: Doitsu metallic Yamato Nishiki

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


A Kujyaku is mainly a Gin Matsuba with a Hi pattern of a Kohaku. The most recognizable feature of the Kujyaku is that each scale has the characteristic Ai (indigo blue) pattern of a Matsuba. The brilliance of the metallic shine and beautiful net pattern makes Kujyaku a popular choice among koi owners.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tips to make a good koi fish pond

Comfortable dwelling will be stunning with beautiful koi fish pond, both in front and in the room of the house. Today many people are interested in adding a fish pond can be a calming area as well as enhance its occupancy. To admire the beauty of koi fish, you just need to visit the pool and see the koi fish swim agility. With a range of striking colors, the koi fish is very interesting. This is one reason why the price of fish is quite expensive. To make these fish remain healthy, you must make the appropriate pool for him.

Determine the design of a koi fish pond minimalist is important. Although the concept is simple, but you still have to decorate it in such a way to make it look more beautiful. Generally, the shape of a fish pond is square. But it would be very boring and monotonous when you make this kind of fish kolan. For that reason, you can add natural stone. This natural stone will be very interesting decorator pool. Placing stone fountains with attractive design amid pools will also enhance the beauty of your simple pond.

Adjust the size of the pond with an area of the house into the next important thing. As we know, a simple koi fish ponds should not be made with a small size. To obtain the appropriate size, you should pay attention to your home area. Do not get too large pond make your surrounding space is reduced. Make sure the fish pond area that you create does not make the house into a narrow yard. Note also the laying of the fish pond that you created. For the elongated yard area, you can make an elongated fish anyway. For a fairly wide area, making the pool with a diameter large enough to be an attractive option.

Materials used in making fish ponds should also be considered. In general, fish ponds made using sand and cement. This material may blend quite monotonous and too ordinary for your pool. This will change if you add natural stone in the process of resolving your fish pond. To simplify the maintenance process, it would be wise if you choose a material that is easy to clean. In the treatment, you should regularly clean the water in the pond. Wash moss and dirt that make your pool becomes cloudy. Because the koi fish is a fish that is quite fragile, you should use the appropriate filter system. Similarly Adjust filter size to the size of your fish pond. This will make your filters capable of handling a large pool.

For placement of fish ponds adapted to the needs and tastes of you, get in front, side and pool house. Here are some photos of koi fish pond with an attractive design that you can make inspiration.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

WOFA-FH 100% Fail

Have you heard about WOVA-FH? WOVA-FH is an alternative to traditional practices in controlled spawning fish. Traditionally, farmers have used the pituitary gland for controlled  spawning fish. However, the use of the pituitary gland has its own drawbacks. Low probability of success because it is practically impossible to maintain uniformity in the product. Additionally, causing the handling of post-breeding and nesting to stress, which can lead to death. Problems as mentioned above always forcing farmers to seek alternative products. 

One alternative product is WOVA-FH. But, This week we try this product and the result is 100% fail. If you have any other experience, please share your story.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tancho Koi

Tancho Koi with a distinctive red color round on the head and the color does not appear anywhere else ti. A blend of white and red dots on koi Tancho similar to the flag of Japan. If red round on the head followed by the advent of color in another place then the koi is known Maruten.

Although usually associated with Kohaku Tancho, namely on bgaian pattern red round head and other body parts are white, but any type of koi can essentially form a pattern Tancho. Examples are Tancho Ogon, namely metallic koi (platinum, Nezu Ogon, koi yellow) with metallic red dots only on the head.

In addition there is also a pattern that appears to Tancho Sanke and Showa koi species. And usually Tancho pattern that existed at Gosanke class (Kohaku, Sanke, Showa) that often appear in the contest koi.

To assess Koi Tancho important to note is the base color that is clean and solid. The red color became Tancho pattern should be sharp and round. Large red dots cover all parts of the head but not up to the face and eyes koi. In addition to these criteria the criteria koi good in general also applies to Tancho.
Tancho Kohaku Koi usually becomes the icon of Tancho ideal, because it is a plain white background will add graceful clean Tancho Kohaku. Moreover scales must also be neat because it will add to the beauty of the Tancho.

At the young age of the red color pattern on Tancho sometimes unstable. The red color may fade even disappear for several reasons, such as stress and the environment does not support. Therefore in choosing Tancho choose one that has a red thick enough quality.

Tancho indeed one of koi quite charming as a variation of the various patterns of koi. Many fans who complete the collection with Tancho Koi.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How to Choose Koi Fish For Ornamental Fish

For the new koi fish hobbyist, sometimes have problems in choosing a good koi fish that deserve to be developed. Therefore in need of accuracy in choosing a koi fish, especially health problems, complexion and body shape. Here we will discuss how to choose the koi as ornamental fish, while I select a koi fish for Contest / Show can be viewed on How to Select Fish KOI.

Before we choose koi, we must make a koi pond first. Do not let the koi fish pond has come but is still not available, or not 100% completed. After that a new purchase koi fish with an amount not exceeding the capacity of a koi pond. Here are some things you should check when we buy and how to choose ornamental fish koi as we are.

How to Choose Koi Fish For Ornamental Fish

Body Shape Fish KOI

Check the shape of the body of the koi fish, koi fish choose who has the ideal body shape. Note the ratio between the height and length of the body koi. Ideally, the ratio is 1: 2, 1: 3. Another option is elongated rounded body shape and not too fat. If the views and over, his back looked straight line alias not curved.

Style swim calm and balanced

Koi fish swimming motion that balance is affected by the position of the fins, symmetrical pairs. Koi fish are striped body balance, among koi hobbyists is said to have a good jitai.

Koi Fish Fins
Pectoral fins and pelvic fins should be as large koi. In addition, the size of the dorsal fin and tail fin must be proportionate to the height and length of the body. Select finned koi fish upright. That is, the fin does not fall limp.

Head shape

Koi fish we choose must have the head shape, eyes, mouth, and gills proportional or mismatched. Note also the shape of the nose, do not choose a koi that has a nose too sharp or too entrance to drown in the pile of meat. When the nose was open, most likely the koi fish has experienced pain on the gills.

Pattern and Color Fish KOI

Koi fish that we choose must have brilliant color and contrast. Likewise, color pattern, the color pattern should have clear boundaries. For example, the red color on Kohaku must be absolutely brilliant and looks bright. While the white color must be white as snow, not yellowish or do not have patches of other colors.

The meeting between the red and white colors should be sharp borders, no gradations of shade of color was red. The gradation often found in local koi fish. For example, a koi fish is not worth mentioning as Tancho Kohaku when adorned with a red circle on the head extends to the eyes, nose, or to the back. Such Koi simply called Kohaku. Meanwhile, a new koi fish is recognized as a type of Ogon when no other color speck on metallic platinum color.

KOI Fish Health
Be sure to avoid choosing koi fish that appear lethargic, swimming movements slow and unbalanced, or many dwell at the bottom of the pool. The gills were moving quickly indicates the fish is experiencing difficulty breathing, avoid choosing the koi because the condition is not healthy.

KOI Fish Behavior
Do not select koi are always alone or away from his friends. Such behavior can be regarded as koi instincts so as not to transmit the disease to his friends.

How to choose ornamental fish koi fish as above can be followed easily. Although we find koi that have bright colors and qualifies as a quality koi, should we not take a risk by buying koi who experience a range of symptoms as above. Because although curable, there is the possibility of the koi fish will have a physical disability or growth is not perfect.