Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How to Choose Koi Fish For Ornamental Fish

For the new koi fish hobbyist, sometimes have problems in choosing a good koi fish that deserve to be developed. Therefore in need of accuracy in choosing a koi fish, especially health problems, complexion and body shape. Here we will discuss how to choose the koi as ornamental fish, while I select a koi fish for Contest / Show can be viewed on How to Select Fish KOI.

Before we choose koi, we must make a koi pond first. Do not let the koi fish pond has come but is still not available, or not 100% completed. After that a new purchase koi fish with an amount not exceeding the capacity of a koi pond. Here are some things you should check when we buy and how to choose ornamental fish koi as we are.

How to Choose Koi Fish For Ornamental Fish

Body Shape Fish KOI

Check the shape of the body of the koi fish, koi fish choose who has the ideal body shape. Note the ratio between the height and length of the body koi. Ideally, the ratio is 1: 2, 1: 3. Another option is elongated rounded body shape and not too fat. If the views and over, his back looked straight line alias not curved.

Style swim calm and balanced

Koi fish swimming motion that balance is affected by the position of the fins, symmetrical pairs. Koi fish are striped body balance, among koi hobbyists is said to have a good jitai.

Koi Fish Fins
Pectoral fins and pelvic fins should be as large koi. In addition, the size of the dorsal fin and tail fin must be proportionate to the height and length of the body. Select finned koi fish upright. That is, the fin does not fall limp.

Head shape

Koi fish we choose must have the head shape, eyes, mouth, and gills proportional or mismatched. Note also the shape of the nose, do not choose a koi that has a nose too sharp or too entrance to drown in the pile of meat. When the nose was open, most likely the koi fish has experienced pain on the gills.

Pattern and Color Fish KOI

Koi fish that we choose must have brilliant color and contrast. Likewise, color pattern, the color pattern should have clear boundaries. For example, the red color on Kohaku must be absolutely brilliant and looks bright. While the white color must be white as snow, not yellowish or do not have patches of other colors.

The meeting between the red and white colors should be sharp borders, no gradations of shade of color was red. The gradation often found in local koi fish. For example, a koi fish is not worth mentioning as Tancho Kohaku when adorned with a red circle on the head extends to the eyes, nose, or to the back. Such Koi simply called Kohaku. Meanwhile, a new koi fish is recognized as a type of Ogon when no other color speck on metallic platinum color.

KOI Fish Health
Be sure to avoid choosing koi fish that appear lethargic, swimming movements slow and unbalanced, or many dwell at the bottom of the pool. The gills were moving quickly indicates the fish is experiencing difficulty breathing, avoid choosing the koi because the condition is not healthy.

KOI Fish Behavior
Do not select koi are always alone or away from his friends. Such behavior can be regarded as koi instincts so as not to transmit the disease to his friends.

How to choose ornamental fish koi fish as above can be followed easily. Although we find koi that have bright colors and qualifies as a quality koi, should we not take a risk by buying koi who experience a range of symptoms as above. Because although curable, there is the possibility of the koi fish will have a physical disability or growth is not perfect.

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