Monday, January 4, 2016

Koi fish spawning Part I

Pond prepared for koi fish spawning measuring 4 x 6 meters. Mains included in the spawning pond at around 16:00 and will begin to spawn midnight. The female will swim around the pond with the male followed behind. The longer their movement more exciting. Attaching the male body when following the female. At its peak, the female will spend the eggs with the occasional jump into the air.

The female activity immediately followed by the male spread sperm. Eggs affected will stick to "kakaban" sperm or egg engaging other material and difficult to be separated. Also there are some eggs fall to the bottom of the pool. Marriage finished in the morning. Parent immediately separated from the egg. If late, the eggs can be consumed by the female. There are two ways to separate the parent of eggs produced.

First, the parent of the spawning pond and keep the eggs hatch in the pond. The second way to move the eggs to a hatchery pond. The first way is more practical because the savings pool. To prevent fungus, eggs soaked first in Malachyt green solution with a concentration of 1 / 300,000 for 15 minutes before it is placed in the hatchery pond. When will soak the eggs, should kakaban shake the water that dirt may cover the eggs could be released.

In order to hatch properly, koi fish eggs must always be submerged in water and the water temperature be kept constant constant. When the temperature is too cold hatchery can run longer, but when it is too high then the eggs may die and rot.

So that the egg can be completely submerged, the circuit should kakaban drowned in the pond. Therefore we can use a banana stem. Cut three pieces of banana stem for 40 cm, then place over a series of kakaban DNG two sections of bamboo as a base. In order to be stable, the gedebog leveled at between sides.

In within 2-3 days is generally the eggs have started to hatch, as well as the very slow 2 days then, kakaban can be removed and relocated to other areas, in because the whole egg has hatched. Kakaban must shake the water first, so that no seeds were brought participate. Kakaban then washed and dried so that it can be used again in other opportunities.
In because koi seed remains tender age of 1 week, usually the eggs hatch the koi in the hapa soft-edged sac usual for storing seeds. In the hapa, seeds can be more easily collected and not easily washed away.

Koi newly hatched keep bringing yolk as the first major food supplies. Throughout they did not yet require food from the outside in because after all devices have not established prima digestion. Within two or three days then, they have started to swim. At this time was the time for us to menyedia-kan food for seed. These seeds must be transferred to the other pool that contains a lot of natural foods.

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